Saturday, June 5, 2021

Certificate of Deposit


            The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on 04th June 2021 said Certificate of Deposit (CD) shall be issued in a minimum denomination of Rs 5 lakh and in multiples of Rs 5 lakh thereafter. CD is a negotiable, unsecured money market instrument issued by a bank as a usance promissory note against funds deposited with it for a maturity period up to one year.

The Master Direction on Reserve Bank of India (Certificate of Deposit) Directions, 2021 further said CDs shall be issued only in dematerialised (Dmat) form and held with a depository registered with the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi).

"CDs may be issued to all persons resident in India," it said and added the tenor of the instrument at issuance should not be less than 7 days. Further, banks are not allowed to grant loans against CDs, unless specifically permitted by RBI. As per the RBI, issuing banks are permitted to buy back CDs before maturity, subject to certain conditions. The central bank had issued draft directions for public comments in December 2020.

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