Friday, May 28, 2021

What should a cancer patient do, if tested positive?


        COVID 19 has struck mankind more than a year ago and it continues to stay. Life has changed ever since and the new normal doesn’t seem normal anymore. The fear of being affected by the virus has left people seeking help for their mental wellbeing. If you are already affected by a serious illness like cancer, the fear and trauma tend to be high. The feelings that come along may be in the form of anxiety, depression, or distress. Cancer patients and their families need to understand that they can overcome the virus with proper medical guidance.

Here are some tips to consider if a cancer patient tests positive :-

Do not panic

There is no need to press the panic button or rush to the hospital. The patient and his/her family should calm down and handle the situation practically.

Call your healthcare provider

Many hospitals have arranged for dedicated helplines to counsel, assist and support cancer patients and survivors diagnosed with coronavirus infection. Reach out to your trusted healthcare provider and take proper medical guidance.


It is crucial to self-isolate for the safety of the patient and others. Remember, the immunity of a cancer patient is already compromised. Meeting people means more risk.

Close monitoring

Keep checking regularly for vitals like oxygen saturation, blood pressure, etc. In case of difficulty in breathing and oxygen saturation going below 95, reach out to your doctor immediately.

Proper medication and diet

Eat healthily and have nutritious food. Keep up with your treatment schedule and ensure to not skip prescribed medications.

Positive mindset

Stay positive. Read books or listen to good music. Remember that with proper guidance, you will get better.

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