Sunday, December 27, 2020




                                                                                                                         Date : 05 - Jul- 2020

Actual rate is 12%.

But, 10% rate is applicable for the below :-

i. Any establishment in which less than 20 employees are employed.

ii. Any sick industrial company and which has been declared as such by the Board for Industrial and  

     Financial Reconstruction

iii. Any establishment which has at the end of any financial year, accumulated losses equal to or

      exceeding its entire net worth and

iv. Any establishment in following industries:-

(a) Jute

(b) Beedi

(c) Brick

(d) Coir and

(e) Guar gum Factories.


The EPF rates are as below :-


Account #



Calculated on

EPF (Employee)




on EPF wages (Basic + DA)





on EPS wages

EPF (Employer)




12% of EPF wages - 8.33% of EPS wages

EDLIS Inspec. charges



0.18% (Min.₹5)

(In case Establishment is exempted under PF Scheme)

0.005% (Min.₹1)

(In case Establishment is exempted under EDLI Scheme)


EPF Admin. charges



0.50% (Min. ₹75)

(for every non-functional establishment having no contributory member)


0.50% (Min. ₹500)

(per establishment for other establishments)

On EPF wages






Contribution is rounded to the nearest rupee.


Under EPF :-

The contributions are payable on maximum wage ceiling of Rs. 15000/-. The employee can pay at a higher rate and in such case, employer is not under any obligation to pay at such higher rate. Ø To pay contribution on higher wages, a joint request from Employee and employer is required [Para 26(6) of EPF Scheme]. In such case employer have to pay administrative charges on the higher wages (wages above 15000/-). For an International Worker, wage ceiling of 15000/- is not applicable.


Under EPS :-

Contribution is payable out of the employer’s share of PF and no contribution is payable by employee. Pension contribution not to be paid: When an employee crosses 58 years of age and is in service (EPS membership ceases on completion of 58 years). When an EPS pensioner is drawing Reduced Pension and re-joins as an employee.


Under EDLI :-

Contribution to be paid on up to maximum wage ceiling of 15000/- even if PF is paid on higher wages. For example, each employee getting wages above 15000, amount will be 75/-. EDLI contribution to be paid even if member has crossed 58 years age and pension contribution is not payable. This is to be paid as long as the member is in service and PF is being paid.


Employees must link their Aadhaar number and bank account with their UAN. You can nominate anybody for your EPF account. In the case of the account holder’s demise, the account balance will be paid to the nominee. You can change the nominee by submitting Form 2 to your company’s finance department or to the EPFO department. About 8.33% of your employer’s monthly contribution (up to Rs.1,250 i.e. 1,500 x 8.33%) will be redirected to the Employee Pension Scheme (EPS). This will help you get a monthly pension once you retire and fulfil certain conditions. No interest will be accrued on the contributions made towards EPS account. If you decide to quit your employment and withdraw the balance from your EPF account once and for all, you will only be able to withdraw a portion of it based on the purpose of withdrawal. Some of these valid purposes are unemployment, retirement, purchase of land, purchase/construct a house, renovating a house, wedding, education, repaying a home loan, and medical reasons. In the case of unemployment, withdrawal of EPF can be made before 58 years of age, with 100% withdrawal after two months of resigning from employment. An employee can also withdraw 75% of the EPF balance after one month of resigning from employment, with the balance 25% transferable to a new employer. If you are a retired person and have worked consecutively for the last 10 years, you can withdraw 100% of the EPS account balance. In case, you have not consecutively worked for the last 10 years, you can only withdraw money from EPS account according to the slabs based on your last drawn salary as mentioned in the below table :-


No.of years of service

Eligible portion of EPS withdraw *




















* Effective from 10 June 2008 as stated by the EPFO website.


Irrespective of the last drawn salary, the maximum salary considered for this calculation is Rs.15,000. Therefore, if your last drawn salary is Rs.42,000 and you have worked for 8 years consecutively, the EPS amount you can withdraw is: Rs.15,000 x 8.22 = Rs.1,23,300. You don’t have to withdraw EPF contributions or close the account when you switch jobs. Just provide your UAN to the new employer and that’s it. The new PF number created by your new employer will still be under your existing UAN. You must manually transfer the PF account balance from your previous employer to the PF account created by your new employer by filling Form 13. Alternatively, you can fill Form 11 so that the PF contributions are automatically transferred to the new account. If your basic salary per month is above Rs.15,000, you have the freedom to opt-out of EPF. You can check your EPF account balance, request for transfer, check claim status, request to withdraw, and raise grievance online using the EPFO portal or even on the Umang app.



Effective from 01st May 2020 to 31st July 2020 :-


Account #



Calculated on

EPF (Employee)




on EPF wages (Basic + DA)





on EPS wages

EPF (Employer)




10% of EPF wages - 8.33% of EPS wages

EDLIS Inspec. charges



0.18% (Min.₹5)

(In case Establishment is exempted under PF Scheme)

0.005% (Min.₹1)

(In case Establishment is exempted under EDLI Scheme)


EPF Admin. charges



0.50% (Min. ₹75)

(for every non-functional establishment having no contributory member)


0.50% (Min. ₹500)

(per establishment for other establishments)

On EPF wages







Announcement from Finance minister for the period 01.05.2020 to 31.07.2020) :-

1. Both the employee and employer contribution of PF i.e. 24% (12 + 12) will born by Central government for this 3 months for those establishments which are having up to 100 employees and from those 100 employee, who 90% or more are draw less than ₹15,000 per month.


2. Their own fund which lies in the EPF book, because of pandemic situation prevailing, regulation will be amended so that workers can draw up to 75% from that fund for a contingency expenditure which is non-refundable advance which they will be take 75% of standing to the credit of the amount, or 3 months wages, whichever is lower.


FAQ :-

1. Who are eligible for the reduced rate of contributions?
It is applicable to all class of establishments covered under the EPF & MP Act, 1952 except the establishments like Central and State Public sector enterprises or any other establishments owned or controlled of the Central govt or State govt. The reduced rate is also not applicable to establishments eligible for PMGKY benefits, since the entire employees EPF contributions (12% of wages) and employers' EPF & EPS co ..

2. What will be the rate of contribution for administrative charges and insurance?
There is no change in the EPF administrative charges (0.5% of EPF wages subject to minimum prescribed) and EDLI contributions (0.5% of wages) both payable by employers.

3. Can the employer or employee pay at higher rate or the combination rate of 10% is mandatory?
The reduced rate of contribution is minimum rate of contribution during period of the package. The employer, employee or both can contribute at higher rate also.

4. My establishments will not be able to remit dues timely during the scheme period. Is it still eligible for reduced rate of contribution?
Yes, the rate of contribution is 10% for the three wage months- May 2020, June 2020 and July 2020 irrespective of the date of payment.


What is EDLI Scheme?

The Employees Deposit Linked Insurance scheme is widely known as shortly EDLI Scheme. Briefly, this EDLI scheme is a group term insurance which gives life coverage to an Employee of an organization who is a member of the Employees Provident Fund (EPF) scheme. OR you can say in other words, in case if an EPF member dies his family members/ dependents get a lump-sum amount (up to 6 lakhs) through this EDLI scheme. Previously, the lump-sum assured in the event of an EPF member death was an amount between 1.5lacs and 3.6 lacs. Presently the amount increased to minimum Rs.2.5 lakhs and maximum Rs.6 lakhs. The Eligible claim amount under the EDLI scheme is calculated 30 times of the last basic salary which was drawn by the employee before death + 50% of the average balance in the member's account or amount during the last 12 months /entire period of his/her membership whichever is lower with an upper limit of Rs.1.5lakhs as a bonus i.e. EDLI scheme claim amount = 30 x basic salary + 50% of average EPF balance in the diseased account/ maximum Rs.1.5lakhs as bonus.


Due Dates – PF :-

  1. The PF will be deducted from every employees’ salary, and the payment due date is within the 15th of the following month. For example, if you want to deposit the PF contribution for June, then as an employer you should clear all the payments before the 15th of July. 

2.      The due date of the PF return also is the same as the payment date i.e. 15th of the following month.

3.      The PF annual return due date is 25th April of the following year.

PF Delay Payment interest :-

An employer who does not pay the contribution within the time limit shall be liable to pay simple interest at the rate of 12% per annum for each day of the default or delay in payment of contribution.


PF penalty :-

Delayed remittance of PF deposit will incur penal damages. The charges as specified by the EPFO, are as follows:

No.of months delayed

Penalty rate

Delay for up to 2 months

5% per annum

Delay ranging from 2 months to 4 months

10% per annum

Delay ranging from 4 months to 6 months

15% per annum

Delay exceeding 6 months

25% per annum (It may correspondingly go up to 100%)


Payroll category

Payment Due date

Returns filing

Type of return

Filing Due date


15th of every month


15th of every succeeding month

 ------------------------------- The end -------------------------

 Thank you,

Chandra Sekhar Reddy

Author and Sole proprietor,

SCR Gallery

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